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Shadowed Hearts: Basic Info

We're looking for cats of all ages and backgrounds, especially warriors, apprentices, kits, and queens. I'm also keeping my eyes open for a good staff, gmods and admins alike.


Snow covers the ground in a thick blanket, and ice trickles off branches and makes the ground slick and smooth. Even so, the sun is shining and warm, last nights storm a mere memory.

Battleheart~Head admin

Welcome to Shadowed Hearts

This is an RPG forum based of the best-selling serious Warriors by Erin Hunter. We hope you will join, but ask that if you do you have read at least two of the Warriors books and can get on at least twice a week.

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Leader: Shatteredstar
Deputy: Dustwalker
Medicine Cat: Prideheart
Medicine Cat App.: Sandpaw
Warriors: Echofur,Greatfoot, Blackfrost, Doubletrouble, Nightsky, Skyflower, Fallendream
Apprentices: Open
Queens: Open
Kits: Open
Elders: Open


Leader: Foxstar
Deputy: Whitetiger
Medicine Cat: Cherryblossom
Medicine Cat App.: Eaglepaw
Warriors: Wolfdance, Darkcloud
Apprentices: Open
Queens: Tigersong
Kits: Open
Elders: Open


Leader: Arrowstar
Deputy: Battleheart
Medicine Cat: Onyxrain
Medicine Cat App.: Spicepaw
Warriors: Shadowmoon, Frostflower, Morningsong, Adderfang
Apprentices: Open
Queens: Open
Kits: Dawnkit, Tumblekit
Elders: Open


Leader: Jaggedstar
Deputy: Sapphiredust
Medicine Cat: Rainsky
Medicine Cat App.: Creampaw
Warriors: Spiralstripe
Apprentices: Open
Queens: Open
Kits: Spotkit
Elders: Open


Jazira, Ghost, Thorn, Shika, Scarlet

Deya, Greyflame
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First Steps

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Pending Bios

All bios that need to be approved by an admin go here.

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
830Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:29 pm
Dawnstalker Clan Bio Form
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Accepted Bios

All Accepted bios go here. You can find the Index of all cats here as well.

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
44175Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:37 pm
nighthawk joining thunderclan
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Accepted ThunderClan Bios

All accepted ThunderClan bios go here.

1246Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:37 pm
nighthawk joining thunderclan
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Accepted RiverClan Bios

All accepted RiverClan bios go here.

1139Mon May 26, 2008 12:19 pm
Willowheart Willowpaw
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Accepted WindClan Bios

All accepted WindClan bios go here.

739Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:21 am
Admin/Battleheart Tigersong- Windclan
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Accepted ShadowClan Bios

All accepted ShadowClan bios go here.

734Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:24 am
Admin/Battleheart Spotkit
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Accepted Rouge/Loner bios

All accepted rogue and loner bios go here.

717Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:27 am
Admin/Battleheart Greyflame
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This is the Adoption board. Cats that are unused, belonged to former members, etc. can be found here. If you do not feel like writing your own bio, post an RP example in the thread of the cat you want. If a staff member finds you qualified, you get the cat.

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
11Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:28 pm
nighthawk adoption
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If you're looking for a mate, post you cats bio here. Somebody of the same clan but opposite gender can reply to your thread with a bio of their own. If you approve, then the two cats can be mates. The List of Mates is here as well. If you want kits, post in the Kits sub-board.

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
110Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:05 pm
nighthawk Mate Form


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StarClan's Hunting Grounds

When not prowling Silverpelt, StarClan cats often linger in the forests, marshes, rivers, and moors of the sky.

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
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Silverpelt is the thick band of stars that stretches across the night sky. Here, StarClan cats can look down on and watch over their Clans.

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
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Pool of Prophecies

Inside of a star-strewn hollow lies the Pool of  Prophecies, where StarClan cats can catch glimpses of what is to come and warn their clans of future dangers.

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
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Bane's Labrinth

Beyond StarClan lie hundreds of other territorties in the sky, for each group of cat has its own religion. One of these places is a land of endless twilight, with prey that rustles always out of a cats reach. No matter  how far you travel, you never reach its end. Cats who were, in their life, killers or traitors and not considered worthy of StarClan, are forever doomed to walk its tortrous paths.


All Clan Land

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The Quarry

All the stone in clan lands had to come from somewhere! The quarry is ancient and long forgotten, but huge. Tunnels lace through the underground and only medicine cats and leaders know how to navigate its maze of passages to reach the crystal known as the Moonstone, where leaders and medicine cats come to commune with StarClan.

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The Citadel

At the only point where all clan territories meet rises a huge hill, and atop that the ancient remains of a citadel rise against the sky. The roof is gone and the stone columns have fallen, sprawled across the cold floor, and even most of the walls are gone, leaving only low, jagged remains. Plants have wound their way into cracks and around pillars and the place, though man made, has long been taken back by nature. Every full moon, the clans come here for a Gathering.


ThunderClan Camp

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ThunderClan Camp

RPs that occur in no specific part of camp are posted here.

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
124Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:58 pm
Blondpelt Flickers of Dust(Open)
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This jet-black, unnaturaly smooth stone, shot with a strip of yellow, towers in the middle of the ThunderClan camp. Beneath it, the clan leader makes their nest, and atop it they can address all of ThunderClan.

Moderator: Echofur
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Medicine Cat's Den

At the back of the ThunderClan camp towers an ancient and massive oak tree with many low hanging branches. Among the roots and shoots and sheltering leaves lies the medicine cat's den.

Moderator: Echofur
12Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:45 pm
Pinepaw Prideheart's Den
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Warriors Den

In the middle of camp sprawls a large holly shrub. Its thorny leavesprotect the warriors within from any kind of weather, but everyone must watch carefully so kits don't eat its poisonous berries.

Moderator: Echofur
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Apprentice's Den

A few paces from the warrior's den lies a small shrub, where the apprentice's make their nests.

Moderator: Echofur
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The nursery is a tangle of a small holly bush and a thorny shrub, twining around and through eachother to form a large, thorny, and safe not. Inside, the sides are thornless, though, and the roof high up.

Moderator: Echofur
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Elder's Den

Long ago, a streak of lightning struck one of the massive branches of the medicine cat's den, sending it plummeting down to earth with only a few strands still attatching it to its old home and keeping it alive. Elders rest inside of it, protected not only the the wood but by the leafy branches.


ThunderClan Territory

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ThunderClan land is made up mainly of forests of oak, aspen, sycamore, and other  deciduous tree and shrubs. It stretches far and wide, with occasional breaks and clearings.

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Training Hollow

Deep within a patch of brambles lies a small, sandy crater. Mentors bring their apprentices to train here.

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Stone Arch

Long ago, this might have been a doorway to an ancient building. Now, all that remains is the crumbling stone arch with bits of old, shaped stone scattered all around it. Moss and vines grow in its cracks and twine up its sides. It sits atop a slight rise and is a good place for prey, as birds roost among its cracks.

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Small Pond

The brookos and streams that run across ThunderClan territory gave birth long ago to a small pond. Although they do not like to swim and are only satisfactory fishers, other small animals can be found scurrying around it.

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Uknown Ruins

The basis of this structure has been lost in history, but these unknown ruins teem with prey. Shaped in a rough square, edges crumbling slightly, the stone floor is all that is left of the building, still in good condition despite the plants that now crawl over it. Intricate designs lace its surface, and as it is on the edge of the RiverClan/ThunderClan border it is constantly being fought over.


RiverClan Camp

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RiverClan Camp

RPs that occur in no specific part of camp are posted here. RiverClan camp is behind a large water fall, tucked into a cave with sandy floors. Though small, with smooth walls, it is snug and safe.

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Long ago, upon the clan's arrival, a river ran through the camp. When the cats diverted it, it left behind an immovable, polished stone that towered over the camp. Here, the leader rests and speaks to the clan.

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Medicine Cat's Den

Tucked away in a swath of reeds at the back of the cave, half tucked into a small nook in the wall, lies the medicine cat's den, where injured cats come to be taken care of and the medicine cat and her apprentice sleep.

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Warriors Den

A low hanging water-shrub from the days a river once ran through camp still lives. It provides shelter for the warriors, and here is where they make their nests.

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Apprentices Den

When the river was diverted from the camp, all river stones that could be moved were piled to the side until they could be taken out of camp. Instead, the apprentices made it their den, with small nooks and crannies to snuggle into.

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Have dug into the sandy ground of camp, right down the stone of the cave's bottom. Over the top is a dome of carefully entwined reeds, their roots still firmly in the ground.

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Elders Den

Near the medicine cat's den is a small cave,  the mouth half covered by lichen. Elders rest here, but spend most of the time by the cave's mouth, dozing in the sunlight.


RiverClan Territory

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Rivers and Grasslands

Rivers lace their way across RiverClan territory, and though there are trees such as cypress, willow, birch, and other water plants and shrubs, including reeds and cat-tails, there is also a fair amount of grassland.

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Falls and Cliffs

There are several other waterfalls on RiverClan land. The most notorious of them is the one that roars down a cliff. The waterfall is far larger than the camp's, and the cliff steep and harsh.

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Long ago, this temple was an  architectural phenomenon, a thing of boundless grace and beauty with curving arches, winding stairs, and intricate designs carved into the flat stone walls and floors. Now, it is still considered beautiful, but time and nature have taken their toll. Most walls have crumbled to dust, save for a few, but the arches still stand, and a long stair winds into the sky.

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Training Island

A good ways away from RiverClan camp, one of their many rivers flows into a pond. At the middle is a small, sandy island that mentors use to train apprentices.

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Reed Maze

A massive of tangle of Reeds sits on the shoreline just before the Trainning Island. It's easy to get lost in this thick contraption, so mainly experienced warriors hunt here. Although little prey runs here, it's good in Leaf-bare to catch a rabbit or quail.
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Small Falls

Near the Rivers and Cliffs resides a small cave which holds a tiny waterfall that is fed by a stream else where, away from RiverClan territory. It's rushing sound echos around, but in a soothing away. In the top of the cave, a hole has been broken in. This allows light to shine through and warm some of the rocks, so after attempting to catch the fish or taking a quick swim in the large pool, you can dry. Wonderful place to train apprentices who to fish.

WindClan Camp

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WindClan Camp

Tucked away within the hollow of a hill and surrounded by broken rock from an ancient wathctower that once stood high ABOVE the camp, resides the WindClan. It's also protected by many brambles that intertwine with the old rocks. (This is no particular place. It's anyway in camp you wish to rp.)
Moderator: Pinepaw
110Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:02 pm
Pinepaw A voice for the Quiet
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The tall, windswept stone/boulder serves as the Windstone, where the leader calls clan meetings, and as a den to the Leader of WindClan. The den is just at the base being an old set of some kind.

Moderator: Pinepaw
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Medicine Cat's Den

The medicine cat's den resides within a slab of rock that leans against a combination of hill and briars. It's protected from all weather.

Moderator: Pinepaw
11Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:56 pm
Blackfrost Cherryblossom's Den
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Warriors Den

The den for warriors is set against the side of the hill with briars and bramble surrounding it. It's the closest den to the entrance and has a chunk of rock closer to the back (cutting the small breeze coming from the entrance), lending a warmer place from the entrance for senior warriors.
Moderator: Pinepaw
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Apprentice Den

On the opposite of the clearing, from the warrior's den, is the apprentice den. It's a small moor land shrub that serves well against bad weather.
Moderator: Pinepaw
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A large bramble bush that's half way, tucked against the hill side. Large and warm on the inside. Perfect way to raise kits!

Moderator: Pinepaw
11Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:21 pm
kirawhiskers GO HERE
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Elders Den

A cubby like apprence that sits in the side of the hill, is the elder's den. It's shallow and half open to the sky; a small bunch of brambles sits in front of it acting as a screen.

Moderator: Pinepaw

WindClan Territory

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Almost all of WindClan territory, but for a few occasional patches of trees along the borders, is waving, endless moorland. Rabbits and birds are the most common prey here.

Moderator: Pinepaw
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Though the western part of WindClan territory is flat, the eastern half, where they base their camp, is rolling with hills, some steep and some gentle.

Moderator: Pinepaw
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Watch Tower

Atop the highest hill in WindClan territory lies an ancient and crumbling watchtower. The huge, round, smooth stone that serves as the base is laced with delicate, wild designs. Though the walls are gone their supports remain, tall rectangular, columns all evenly spaced around the edges. It is a truly beautiful thing, as much wild as man-made, with vines twining up it sides and grass poking through the cracks. It is a good hunting place, as small creatures burrow within its shadows and birds roost in its crooks.

Moderator: Pinepaw
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At the base of the hills that cover the eastern half of WindClan territory flows two rivers. They are far enough apart that if you stood at the banks of one, you would not see the other, but at one point, they stream together to form a huge river. At this spot, fierce rapids are birthed, rushing for many paw-steps until they glide back to normal.

Moderator: Pinepaw
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Old Hall

Just on the WindClan side of the ShadowClan/WindClan border lies the ancient, crubling ruin of what was once a hall. Though nothing compared to the grassy courtyards and stone floors of the Citadel, it is still a wonder, with the same square, smooth floor carved with intricate designs; crumbling, jagged walls; and the occasional fallen column. Birds and beasts roost among it.

Moderator: Pinepaw
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Small Pond

On the very eastern edge of WindClan territory lies a small pond. Though WindClan cannot swim, nor abide fish, it is a good place to find voles and mice. During the winter, apprentices like to come out and slide on its icy surface.

Moderator: Pinepaw
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Patch of Trees

Near the border of their northern neighbors, RiverClan, and their southern ones, ShadowClan, small bits of trees cross the border onto WindClan land. Though WindClan cats are not the best hunters among forest, they still make use of it, and medicine cats find many herbs there.

Moderator: Pinepaw

ShadowClan Camp

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ShadowClan Camp

ShadowClan camp is tucked away in the heart of the marshes. It is nestled in a small dip in the land, surrounded by massive cypress trees with long, crawling roots that rise off the ground, leaving dark, shady hollows underneath them. The floor is sandy though the edges of the clearing are slightly damp.

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In the middle of camp lies a stone as black as night the rises tall in the middle of the clearing. Here, the ShadowClan leader rests and makes announcements to the clan.

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Medicine Cat's Den

At the back edge of camp rises the largest tree in the whole clearing, its roots raising it so high off the ground that there is room for a cat to stand with his tail high and not brush the tree. Beneath it, the medicine cat makes her den, though a small bunch of bushes gives her a big of a clearing to work in as well. Beneath the arching leaves of the ferns lie nests for sick or injured cats to rest in.

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Warriors Den

A low, wide bush not far from the leader's den is the warrior's shelter. Its heavy leaves hold in warmth and deflect rain. The already sandy ground is lined with moss, making it one of the most comfortable  dens in camp.

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Apprentice's Den

A slightly damp, but still warm, hollow log, bearing a short but wide crack in one side, rests on the opposite side of the Shadowstone than the warrior's den. It is lined with moss and where the apprentices make their nests.

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Beneath the roots of a cypress tree, half burrowed into the sandy ground, and further protected by a bunch of bramble bushes lies the nursery. The only way to enter or exit is through the small part in the knots of thorns and roots.

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Elder's Den

A swath of short cat-tails and brambles, lined with moss, is where the elders make their nests. It is snug and warm, and all thorns have been carefully removed by somewhat unwilling apprentices.


ShadowClan Territory

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Since ShadowClan territory is in the south, all rivers and streams flow into it. This causes most of the land to be boggy and marshy, filled with lush green life, shallow muddy pools, buzzing flies, muggy weather, mud, and only a few spots of dry land.

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Winding Stair

Deep within ShadowClan territory, on a small bank of dry sand, a tall, lone tower stretches up against the sky, one of the few ruins here not to be sucked away in the bog. Pieces of the wall are missing, in fact almost all of it, but the tightly winding stair twines up hight, above the trees, and since the walls of the small room that once stood there are gone, a cat can see all across ShadowClan land, and even past the Citadel and RiverClan land, which lies to the north. Birds roost here, and cats like to climb up there for pleasure.

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Sandy Hollow

Here, on a faint rise in the land and open to the sky, lies a small sandy hill. Although it is tucked into a low pocket in the land, it rises up high out of it, so a small moat surrounds it. It is where most mentors train their apprentices.

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Quick Sand

To the east of the ShadowClan camp, not far from the WindClan border, lies a patch of land abundent in prey...and deadly, hidden quicksand. This is a popular hunting place, since here prey thrives, but only experienced warriors dare tread here, for they  must watch out for the murderous pits of quicksand, almost invisibel until one steps upon them.

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Pines and Cypress Forests

On the east side of ShadowClan territory, the land is less boggy and more firm. Here, the ground is covered in pine needles and pine trees rise far above there heads. As the land progresses east, pines fade slowly to swamp trees and plants, though near on the WindClan border, the ground hardens once more and pine trees blossum again.


Loner and Rogue Territory

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On the far north-western corners of ThunderClan and RiverClan lie the catacombs, where long ago two-legs buried their dead in the maze-like tunnels of the underground. Another set of tomes lies at the far south-east corners of WindClan and ShadowClan territories. When the northern one became to full, a new one was constructed, and now both maze their way underground in an impossible labyrinth of tunnels. Rogues and loners roam here, and above ground in the ruins of ancient temples and court yards.

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Ancient Village

The only thing connecting the catacombs is an ancient village on a thin strip of land along the edge of ThunderClan territory. Ancient, crumbling stone temples, buildings, and barns riddle the dirt roads.

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Fields and Meadows

Long ago on far edge of the two-leg village a lay dozens of farms. Though the people are long gone and the stone houses and barns crumbling, the fields have remained. Barley, oats, grain, and corn, as well as several un-planted open spaces, dot the land.

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Long ago, when the village still flourished and the cobbled roads and alleys milled with people, the Coliseum was the center for all amusement. Here, gladiators fought against eachother and wild animals. Now, hundreds of years later, it is but a ghost of its old self, though it still holds its former glory, an echo rebounding off its wisened, falling walls. Though many sides have collapsed, the main circular shape still remains, as do most of the entrances.

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Old Mill

Though the river from which the Old Mill once got energy is still there, most of the mill itself is gone. It is old and crumbling, the decript staires old, creaky, and unstable. The wheel has long stopped spinning but still remains on the side of the building. Inside, a single stair winds its way up, around ancient machinery, and into a loft where only wooden beams and small shelves on the stone walls remain.

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Old City

Before the village wanes into the nothingness of un-claimed forest, lies an ancient city. At its heart is the Coliseum, rising above all else. Cobbled streets and alleys wind their way between the crumbling stone buildings. This is where the toughest rogues live. Here is also where the Rogue leader, Jazira and her partner Ghost, make their main home.



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Rules and Links

Got any good links to photography sites that people might use for sigs, avvies, or other graphic art? Post them here. The rules for the art section are here as well. Please read them before posting anything.

11Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:10 pm
Admin/Battleheart Rules for Art
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Are you looking for a sig, avvie, logo, or buttons? Post your request here (using the proper format) and hopefully somebody will make one for you.

311Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:15 am
Fallendream Scarlet Siggie
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Computer Art

If you want to show off your computer art or graphics, create a topic and post them here.

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Classic Art

Drawings, paintings, photography, etc can go here. Just create a thread and post any art you want to show off.



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Rules and Info

Read these rules before signing up. Information about the site can also be found here

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
1414Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:06 pm
ShadowR1der Help
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Guest Board

Have a question you want answerered before you join? A comment on this site? Post it here. This is the only board where guests may post.

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1212Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:38 pm
EntimiCi  kirkland fish oil
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Guess what this if for. You got it. Polls.

121Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:17 am
Admin/Battleheart Random poll
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This is the ONLY place on this forum where you may advertise. If you would like to affiliate, post in the appropriate thread.

Moderators: Echofur, Admin
2431Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:53 am
lineh  starclan's lightdpath
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