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ShadowClan Camp

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ShadowClan Camp

ShadowClan camp is tucked away in the heart of the marshes. It is nestled in a small dip in the land, surrounded by massive cypress trees with long, crawling roots that rise off the ground, leaving dark, shady hollows underneath them. The floor is sandy though the edges of the clearing are slightly damp.

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In the middle of camp lies a stone as black as night the rises tall in the middle of the clearing. Here, the ShadowClan leader rests and makes announcements to the clan.

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Medicine Cat's Den

At the back edge of camp rises the largest tree in the whole clearing, its roots raising it so high off the ground that there is room for a cat to stand with his tail high and not brush the tree. Beneath it, the medicine cat makes her den, though a small bunch of bushes gives her a big of a clearing to work in as well. Beneath the arching leaves of the ferns lie nests for sick or injured cats to rest in.

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Warriors Den

A low, wide bush not far from the leader's den is the warrior's shelter. Its heavy leaves hold in warmth and deflect rain. The already sandy ground is lined with moss, making it one of the most comfortable  dens in camp.

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Apprentice's Den

A slightly damp, but still warm, hollow log, bearing a short but wide crack in one side, rests on the opposite side of the Shadowstone than the warrior's den. It is lined with moss and where the apprentices make their nests.

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Beneath the roots of a cypress tree, half burrowed into the sandy ground, and further protected by a bunch of bramble bushes lies the nursery. The only way to enter or exit is through the small part in the knots of thorns and roots.

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Elder's Den

A swath of short cat-tails and brambles, lined with moss, is where the elders make their nests. It is snug and warm, and all thorns have been carefully removed by somewhat unwilling apprentices.

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